23 November 2007


I wanted to post this yesterday, but Thanksgiving was such a normal, hectic day in Vienna that I didn't have the chance. After all, we began eating dinner at 9:00 pm. So here it is my list of thanks, one day later:

What am I thankful for?

1. A loving family, regardless of the number of miles between us.
2. Loving friends around the world.
3. Good health.
4. Life in a relatively peaceful country, free of war.
5. "Luxuries" of the "developed" world: clean water, sanitation, shelter, enough food to eat, education, reliable transportation.
6. The opportunity to have visited "developing" countries and understand how luxurious basic human rights can be.
6. The opportunity to devote a year to teaching, research, and experiencing life in another culture.
6.5. The decision to accept the Fulbright, and those of you who convinced a crazy girl to do so.
7. Technology to communicate and keep in touch with family and friends.
8. A camera to capture the images and moments around me.
9. Sunny days and starry nights, both precious rarities in Vienna.
10. You.


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