28 March 2008

Language. Schlanguage.

I was working on campus today when I overheard a conversation in the office next to mine. My ears perked up instantly. What's that I hear? English! American English! With an American-not-British accent!

But nobody in our department speaks English. Hmmm.

I walked next door to see what was going on. It turns out that a Master's student, originally from Texas and enrolled in the university's international engineering program in New Zealand, was visiting this week to get the department head's signature on his Master's thesis. We talked for about an hour or so before he had to go again.

It's funny. I go for days without hearing a word of English and other times read and listen to material without paying any attention to the language. What language was that article written in? I literally have to go back and check, and I know other people abroad this year who have experienced the same phenomenon.

Now if only I spoke Turkish or Russian, two other languages I often hear in Vienna. Then we could have a real language party!


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